The Reverend Raymond Schulze, an iconic figure from my childhood, died recently. This man, who from a child’s perspective had the statue and voice of Abraham Lincoln, confirmed me in New Haven. He was a part of my weave for which I am grateful and blessed. For his widow, dear Margaret, this card came into being.
Yessence CardsCategories
uCustom ‘Yessence Cards’ are created in a spirit of surprise and mystery. Unique connections spur us into new ideas. It is not ‘Nonsense’ to our brains, but ‘Yessence,’ saying a holy YES to the ESSENCE embodied in the unexplainable. Deep inside we make meaning from what seems like silliness, but really is quite profound. Give them time to soak in and let your imagination be free to make connections unimaginable. Remember, the Queen in Alice in Wonderland made it a practice to believe in seven impossible things before breakfast. Try it with your coffee! Archives |